Bernhard (von Clairvaux, Heiliger 1090-1153)GND; Bernhard (von Clairvaux, Heiliger 1090-1153 Sermones super Cantica Canticorum)GND; GeschlechtsidentitätGND; GeschlechtsunterschiedGND
Time keyword:
Time keyword:
DDC subject:
300.9 Social and Cultural History
Hohes Mittelalter (1050 - 1350)
Hosting institution:
German Historical Institute Paris
Line Cecilie Engh, Gendered Identities in Bernard of Clairvaux’s »Sermons on the Song of Songs«. Performing the Bride, Turnhout (Brepols) 2014, XIV–444 p. (Europa Sacra, 15), ISBN 978-2-503-55003-9, EUR 100,00.