Cooperations with Research Infrastructures
The Max Weber Foundation supports and relies on national and international research infrastructures. The DFG Specialised Information Services (FIDs) and digital publishing competence centres are important partners for library services. The FID History at the BSB, the FIDs Art History, Classical Studies and CrossAsia at the Heidelberg University Library as well as the FID Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies at the Halle University Library are important and reliable elements in's portfolio.
The Bavarian State Library Munich (BSB) has been supporting since 2008 as a cooperation partner in the field of digital publishing, retro-digitisation, long-term archiving and the factual indexing of online publications and their reference in library catalogues and other search tools.
In the course of its long-standing activities in the field of digitization, electronic publishing and digital long-term archiving, the Heidelberg University Library build a powerful technical infrastructure and competences in setting up and operating digital platforms. Therefore they are an innovative and valuable partner for in all fields of digital publishing.
The Verbundzentrale Göttingen (VZG) develops and operates the central publication server for on the basis of MyCoRe and is one of the most important infrastructure partners of the Max Weber Foundation. The joint realisation of innovative digital publication formats for basic research, such as research data and collections, is also part of the cooperation.
By participating in the infrastructure projects and networks CLARIN-D/DARIAH-DE and OPERAS, the Max Weber Foundation supports the further development of digital methods, digital research infrastructures and open scientific communication in the humanities and cultural sciences. A regular exchange with Digital Humanities centres and collaborative reserach projects in German-speaking countries defines's cooperative approach.