Foxe, John (1516-1587)GND; Foxe, John (1516-1587 Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes)GND; Osmanisches ReichGND; TürkenbildGND
Time keyword:
Time keyword:
Land / Region:
DDC subject:
900 Geschichte und Geografie
Frühe Neuzeit (1500 - 1789)
Hosting institution:
German Historical Institute Paris
Christopher Toenjes, Islam, the Turks and the Making of the English Reformation. The History of the Ottoman Empire in John Foxe’s »Acts and Monuments«, Frankfurt a. M., Bern, Bruxelles et al (Peter Lang Edition) 2016, XVI–447 p., 9 fig., 4 tabl. fig., ISBN 978-3-631-66931-0, EUR 79,95.