Portable Labour Rights for Migrant Workers in North America
According to 2017 UN figures, there are 258 million international migrants and 750 million internal
migrants worldwide. Many international immigrants face precarious working conditions and limited
labor rights. Immigrants with low levels of education and limited language skills in countries of
reception are frequently subject to low-wage positions with flexible arrangements and are forced to
join a global “precariat” workforce that is hirable and available on demand, highly exploitable, and
easily firable. The goal of this project is to analyze current advocacy practices of transnational civil society
organizations interested in advancing a portable labor rights framework and how these practices are
constituted at different scales, ranging from the local to the transnational. This research addresses
multiple strategies that these organizations pursue to expand their influence across borders and
questions the meaning of associating effective communicative power with discursive spaces that do
not necessarily correlate with sovereign states.
Xóchitl Bada is an associate professor in the Latin American and Latino Studies Program of the
University of Illinois at Chicago. Her articles have appeared in Forced Migration Review, Population,
Space, and Place, Latino Studies, and Labor Studies Journal.