Japanstudien 13 : Wohnen in Japan: Markt, Lebensformen, Nachbarschaft
Volume 13 (2001) of the DIJ yearbook Japanstudien focuses on the topic “Living Conditions in Japan: Markets, Lifestyles, Forms of Dwelling”. Housing and living conditions not only reflect basic human needs, they also are an expression for the complex and varied lifestyles in a society and culture. Economic, social, demographic and environmental developments have brought along significant changes in terms of lifestyles and forms of dwelling – changes, which are receiving growing academic attention and are reflected, for instance, in the increase of research in the field of urban studies. The eight contributions in volume 13 of Japanstudien relating to the major topic discuss such questions from a multi- and inter-disciplinary perspective and approach a wide range of issues related to changing forms of living and lifestyles in Japan. Moreover, Japanstudien includes five articles on various other topics, as well as ten book reviews of German, English and Japanese publications.