Contemporary Japan : Journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
Vol. 29 (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017) (2017): Food, agriculture and risk in contemporary Japan
Reiher, Cornelia; Yamaguchi, Tomiko: Young organic farmers in Japan: Betting on lifestyle, locality, and livelihood
Rosenberger, Nancy Ross: Abandoned land, corporate farming, and farmland banks : a local perspective on the process of deregulating and redistributing farmland in Japan
Jentzsch, Hanno: Of beans and bonds: Canadian farmers, Japanese buyers, and the moral economy of the non-GM soybean
Whitelaw, Gavin: Food safety and regulatory change since the ‘mad cow’ in Japan: Science, self-responsibility, and trust
Walravens, Tine: Paul B. Watt, Demythologizing pure land Buddhism: Yasuda Rijin and the Shin Buddhist tradition
Döll, Stefan: Christopher Perkins, The United Red Army on screen: Cinema, aesthetics and the politics of memory
Knaudt, Till: Sébastien Lechevalier, The great transformation of Japanese capitalism
Waldenberger, Franz: Peter Cave, Schooling selves: Autonomy, interdependence, and reform in Japanese junior high education
Wang, Zi: Stephen Robert Nagy, Japan’s demographic revival: Rethinking migration, identity, and sociocultural norms
Achenbach, Ruth: Hiromichi Hosoma, Kaigo suru karada
Backhaus, Peter: Message from the editor
Waldenberger, Franz