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Intergenerational circular migration and differences in identity building of Nikkei Peruvians

This study analyzes the motives of first and second generations of Nikkei Peruvians for circular migration between Japan and Peru. Adjusting their expectations with the economic demands of each country creates a circular movement that is associated with triple-win outcomes. However, while for the first generation, circular migration is a household economic strategy that allows migrants to fulfill their role as breadwinners and provide material well-being to their families, for the second generation circular migration offers a venue for building their professional careers and for self-realization. Migration movements therefore serve not only as a source of material or economic well-being, but also of emotional and moral well-being. The first generation shows a passive attitude by adjusting themselves to the ups and downs of the global economy and changes in the division of labor, while the second generation actively draws on language competence and professional skills to become agents of their own mobility. The difference between these two generations influences how each group perceives each country and the processes of identity building in each group.


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Contemporary Japan


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