OPERAS Research Infrastructure in 90' : Mission, Vision, Action
Opening and Keynote: Keynote Speaker: Johan Rooryck Chairs/Moderators: Jadranka Stojanovski, Suzanne Dumouchel, Judith Schulte OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area. Its mission is to coordinate and federate resources in Europe to efficiently address the scholarly communication needs of European SSH researchers. In this panel we will first have an introduction of the scholarly communication landscape in Europe for social sciences and humanities by Jadranka Stojanovski. She will present the results of a survey done in the OPERAS-P project: What are the current practices, habits and issues in scholarly communication? Afterwards, Delfim Leão will present the results of the survey on “Multilingualism in Social Sciences and Humanities” he and his team at Coimbra University are currently conducting in OPERAS-P to prepare a future platform aimed at supporting translation of SSH content. Maciej Maryl will present the “Future of Scholarly Writing in Social Sciences and Humanities” paper prepared by IBL-PAN in the context of OPERAS-P project that stands as the scientific case of OPERAS infrastructure. As the last presentation Yoann Moranville (Technical Coordinator of OPERAS) and Pierre Mounier (Coordinator of OPERAS) will give an overview on the current developments and future plans of the OPERAS services: Certification Service, Discovery Service, Metrics Service, Publishing Service Portal, Research for Society Service and Future Services. In this presentation, the common governance scheme of OPERAS services will also be presented. 11:00-11:20 Landscape Study Mate Juric, Iva Melinscak Zlodi 11:20-11:40 Multilingualism in the Social Sciences and Humanities Delfim Leão 11:40-12:00 Future of Scholarly Writing in Social Sciences and Humanities The presentation will discuss the OPERAS Innovation Lab, which assesses the current writing practices in SSH applying a three-fold methodology: literature review, case studies of innovative practices, and interviews with stakeholders. This work will serve as basis for future innovative services developed by OPERAS. Maciej Mariel, Marta Błaszczyńska 12:00-12:30 OPERAS’ Catalogue of Services Yoann Moranville, Pierre Mounier Chairs/Moderators: Suzanne Dumouchel, Pierre Mounier
Scientific Communities and Infrastructures: A Personal Perspective
November 3, 09:30-10:45 (CET, UTC+01:00)
The OPERAS conference will be opened officially by Jadranka Stojanovski (Chair of the Executive Assembly) and some organizational information by Judith Schulte (Max Weber Stiftung).
Keynote by Johan Rooryck:
In the keynote Johan Rooryck will present his personal experience as an editor of the subscription journal Lingua, whose community moved to the Open Access journal Glossa in 2015. Open Access initially was a way to take back control of the journal’s governance. The transition process also made him realize the essential role of the journal as a community rather than as a tool for communication or a title in a publisher’s list (e.g. Montgomery & Neylon 2019). This in turn will lead him to consider issues of governance, control, and organization of the scholarly community and the infrastructure needed for this purpose.