Contemporary Japan : Journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
Vol. 32 (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020): Message from the Managing Editor
Gagné, Isaac: Picturing translocal matters in a mobile world : Photography as a method of ethnographic research at a Japanese gathering in Berlin
Gerster, Julia; Morokhova, Natalia: Tabunka Kyōsei without immigration policy : The role of centers for international exchange and their challenges
Kim, Viktoriya; Streich, Philip: Who am I with others? : Selfhood and shuwa among mainstream educated deaf and hard-of-hearing Japanese youth
McGuire, Jennifer M.: The taught curriculum of moral education at Japanese elementary school : the role of classtime in the broad curriculum
Bamkin, Sam: Area studies and the disciplines : Japanese Studies and anthropology in comparative perspective
Ben-Ari, Eyal: The self-defense forces and postwar politics in Japan : by Sado Akihiro, English translation, Tokyo, JPIC, 2017, 374 pp, hardback, Yen 4,806, ISBN 978-4-916055-73-3
Brooks, William L.: Review of Landscape gardener Ogawa Jihei and his times: A profile of modern Japan : by Suzuki Hiroyuki, translated by Hart Larrabee, Tokyo, Japan Library, Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018, 272pp., US$ 33.80 (hardback), ISBN 9784866580197
Tagsold, Christian: Food safety after Fukushima: Scientific citizenship and the politics of risk : by Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 170 pp., $62.00 (Hardback), ISBN-13: 9780824872137
Reiher, Cornelia: Das Atombombenmuseum Hiroshima: Erinnern jenseits der Nation (1945-1975) : by Stefanie Schäfer, Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, 320 pp., €39,99 (paperback), ISBN: 978-3-8376-3801-1,
Hülsebus, Sonja: Marketcraft: How governments make markets work : by Steven K. Vogel, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018, 187 pp., 34.95 USD (hardback), ISBN: 978-0-19-069985-7
Krautter, Jonathan