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Melanchthon and Servet : Surveying a controversy

In 1521, Melanchthon preferred to adore the Trinity rather than investigate it. However, already in 1523 he revealed his conception of his object of adoration to be a fairly classical and Augustinian one. Michael Servet emerged in 1531 with his critique of the classical doctrine of the Trinity, in which he reduced the concept of „person“ to a mere speaking part or representation of the Deity. Melanchthon became aware of Servet’s doctrines in 1533 and immediately became involved in studying Servet and developing his theology in a defense of the classical doctrine of the Trinity. His first major argument was that the Bible describes Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as divine and simultaneously distinct from God the Father. The second was that the Bible demanded the adoration of Christ and that to adore was to accord the honour of divinity. Melanchthon’s doctrine of the Trinity proved to be practically-minded and was thus a presupposition for the crucial doctrine of justification. Melanchthon presented the same argument in a letter addressing sympathisers of the Reformation in Venice in 1539, demonstrating that Servet’s books were already known in the city at the time and that Melanchthon perceived a need to combat them.



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